শিরোনাম | Linux Basics for Hackers – OccupyTheWeb |
লেখক | Occupytheweb |
প্রকাশনী | No Starch Press |
ISBN | 978-1593278557 |
পৃষ্ঠা | 247 |
সংস্করণ | December-2018 |
ভাষা | English |
Linux Basics for Hackers:
Linux Basics for Hackers by OccupyTheWeb is a practical introduction to Linux essentials for aspiring hackers and cybersecurity enthusiasts. This book covers foundational Linux commands, scripting, networking, and more advanced techniques essential for cybersecurity operations. Written in an accessible style, it combines technical skills with real-world applications, allowing readers to build a strong foundation in both Linux and hacking fundamentals.
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